JOA-IT Solved Part 1 @HPPSC,Shimla 19 Feb 2017

Time Allowed: 2 Hours No Negative Marking Maximum Marks: 100

1. What is the full form of ‘http’?

(A) Hyper Text Transmission Protocol

(B) Hidden Text Transfer Protocol

(C) Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

(D) Hidden Text Transmission Protocol

2. .NET is a ………… technology.

(A) php

(B) Open source

(C) Intel

(D) Microsoft

3.How many numbers of home pages a web site can contain?

(A) 1

(B)  As many as one would like to have

(C) Depends upon the size of the content on the web site

(D) None of the above.

4. Which of the following is not the function of an OS?

(A) Memory Management

(B) Input/Output Management

(c) Job Scheduling

(D) Database Management

5. Which of the following is not an OS?

(A) Microsoft Windows

(B) Unix/Linux

(C) Android

(D) Oracle

6. Which of the following is a web browser?

(A) Google

(B) Internet Explorer

(C) Microsoft Excel

(D) HP

7. System software is an interface between…………..?

(A) Hardware and Application Software

(B) Application software and User

(C) ROM and RAM

(D) CPU and UPS

8. Which of the following is not a Microsoft Windows version?

(A) Microsoft Windows 6

(B) Microsoft Windows 7

(C) Microsoft Windows XP

(D) Microsoft Windows 8

9. Which of the following is the keyboard shortcut for ‘undo’ the last operation performed in Microsoft Office?

(A) Ctrl + s

(B) Ctrl + x

(C) Ctrl+z

(D) Ctrl + a

10. There are ___ reserve words ‘C’.

(A) 32

(B) 24

(C) 36

(D) 64

11. Which of the following is not an arithmetic operator in ‘C’?

(A) +

(B) ‘_’

(C) ‘%’

(D) ‘#’

12. Any statement in ‘C’ language that starts with the character # is called


(A) Pre-processor statement

(B) Post-processor statement

© Control statement

(D) None of these

13. The full form of RAM is?

(A) Random Application Memory

(B) Random Access Memory

© Rare Application Memory

(D) Random Access Management

14. The speed of operations of cache memory used in computers is slower than that of………..?




(D) Registers in CPU

15. While entering a formula in a cell in MS Excel, the entry must begin with operator.

(A)  (

(B)  %

© #

(D) =

16. A compiler is______?

(A) A combination of computer hardware

(B) A software utility that translates a program written in machine language into high level language

(C) A software utility that translates a program written in high level language into machine language

(D) A combination of computer hardware and software

17. A byte consists of_______?

(A) 1 bit

(B) 4 bits

(C) 8 bits

(D) 16 bits.

18. The term Giga Byte refers to?

(A) 1024 bits

(B) 1024 bytes

(C) 1024 kilo bytes

(D) 1024 mega bytes

19. The full form of BCD is?

(A) Bit Coded Decimal

(B) Binary Coded Decimal

(C) Bit Coded Digit

(D) Binary Coded Digit

20. Instructions and memory addresses in the RAM of a computer are stored Using?

(A) Binary Digits

(B) Decimal Digits

(C) Octal Digits

(D) Parity Bits

21. A computer on Internet is uniquely identified by?

(A) Memory address

(B) E-mail address

(C) IP address

(D) Virtual address

22. On the Internet, moving from one web site to another is known as

(A) Uploading

(B) Downloading

(C) Searching

(D) Browsing

23. In Internet terminology, IP means….?

(A) Internet Profile

(B) Internet Protocol

(C) Internet Processor

(D) Internet Procedure

24.The output printed by a computer through a printer on the paper is called?

(A) Virtual copy

(B) Hard copy

(C) Soft copy

(D) None of these

25. Arrange in ascending order the units of memory TB, KB, GB, MB :

(A) MB> GB>TB > KB

(B) TB> GB> MB >KB

(C) GB> MB > KB >TB

(D) TB > MB > GB > KB

Part 2 link here

Part 3 and 4 coming soon

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